Akkineni Nagarjuna is hopeful of seeing Telugu films entering Rs 100 crore soon, just like many of the Bollywood films have been doing in the recent past. He anticipates this will be happen within two to three years and Kollywood would be the first to start this trend down South.
The actor opines aggressive promotions and wider release is the reason behind B-Town Rs 100 crore trend. ‘While Hindi films are release in 2,000 multiplexes, Telugu films are screened in around 200 multiplexes. Bollywood films release all over the country, while regional films release in that particular state. In Overseas as well, the reach of Hindi content in huge when compared to Telugu films. There is no restriction on the price of multiplex tickets in North. Where as, there is a cap on ticket prices in the South and a bucket of popcorn cost more than a movie ticket here,’ he quotes.
Nag condemned the talk of South films are lagging behind because of poor content. He points out, Several Rs 100 crore Bollywood films like Ghajini, Singham, Ready, Wanted and Rowdy Rathode are the remakes of South films.
Tollywood King also asserts Telugu films will be available for viewing on international airline just like Hindi films in a few years from now.