The makers of Damarukam failed to release their movie even after annoucing the movie release date for the third consecutive time. The producers are plagued with several financial problems and are battling with the financiers to ensure the movie, yet the producer continued to tell the media that he’d be releasing the movie on November 10th. Even ‘Releasing Today’ ads were appeared in major Telugu news dailies on Saturday morning although Lab clearance was not done. Lab clearance is mandatory for any film to hit the screens.
Speaking about the film’s woes, Nagarjuna said God has not given the permission to release the film. On Saturday morning, he went to Kakinada to inaugurate a showroom. And when asked about the film’s release, he promised that everything would be settled in a week. “As of now, Lord Shiva has not set the muhurtham for us, ” he said in philosophical mode.