Looks like Nagarjuna and K Raghavendra Rao’s upcoming devotional film Om Namo Venkatesaya has landed itself into troubles even before the film went on the floors. Only a couple of days ago, the film’s core team visited Tirupati and sought Lord Balaji’s blessings and announced that the film will be launched soon.According to the media reports, the Hathiram Baba Matham in Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam’s premises raised objections to the film’s unit going ahead with the launch without informing them about the script or taking necessary permissions from the math.
The Hathiram Baba Mathadhipathi Krishna Das questioned how can the unit launch the film without taking prior permission from the math and also the Endowment Ministry. Krishna Das said that the math members will not think twice to move the courts if the film’s team distort facts on Hathiram Baba’a life.
Incidentally, K Raghavendra Rao is one of the members of the TTD Executive Board. Om Namo Venkatesaya traces the life and legends of Hathiram Baba, a loyal disciple of Lord Balaji, who migrated from North India and made Tirumala his home in the 18th century.