Chinmayi Sripaada faced trolls ever since the trailer launch of ‘Manmadhudu 2’ which is being directed by her husband Rahul Ravindran. The Playback Singer is vocal about the sexual harassment in the Film Industry and made headlines during the #MeToo Movement. She was trolled by Netizens pointing out 60-Year-Old Nagarjuna romancing Ladies not even half of his age in the romantic entertainer.
In response to a netizen, Chinmayi justified the casting by saying: ‘Indian Film Industry Heroes being cast with Heroines that should be as old as their kids is the norm. It didn’t stop, did it?’.
As the trolls continued, Chinmayi advised the Haters to end their sheer stupidity and attention-seeking tactics. ‘Not understanding context by so many Men is boring but so surprising. Get a grip. You will understand when the film releases,’ she commented.
‘Manmadhudu 2’ hits the screens on August 9th. Will it change the thought process of the netizens trolling Chinmayi?