Telangana Minister for Power G Jagadish Reddy on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chnadrababu Naidu for claiming credit for the development of Telangana and day-dreaming of bringing TDP to power in 2019.
Reddy said Naidu lacked any eligibility to criticize Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, who is the best Chief Minister in India.
Throwing a challenge to Naidu to compete in doing works of welfare and development like Telangana Government, Jagadish Reddy alleged that Naidu is indulging in just ‘Paper management’.
The minister asked Naidu to refrain from mud-slinging activities on Telangana Government.
He ridiculed that Chandra Babu is envious of the huge response from people to TRS public meeting addressed by KCR.
The Minister stated that Telangana state was a surplus state even before its merger with Andhra region. He asked Naidu to stop carrying on misinformation campaign against Telangana government.
Alleging that Naidu is uttering words sans any substance, he said that the people are aware that the former had backstabbed NTR to become Chief Minister by joining the TDP.
It is a known fact that TDP regime killed people for seeking rollback of power tariff, in Basheer Bagh firing incident, he said and alleged that the former came in the way of T statehood.
The Minister also felt that Naidu cannot convince people through his misinterpretation on the TRS Government.