Vijayawada: Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Monday invited his Andhra Pradesh counterpart Chandrababu Naidu for Ayutha Chandi Maha Yagam, a mega religious ritual he is going to organise near Hyderabad from December 23. Rao, along with Finance Minister E. Rajender, and his wife flew to this Andhra town in a helicopter from Hyderabad.
Andhra Pradesh’s Finance Minister Y. Ramakrishnudu and other ministers welcomed Telangana chief minister, who drove straight to Naidu’s official residence to extend him an invitation. Naidu hosted a lunch for KCR, as Rao is popularly known. He was treated with a wide range of Andhra delicacies including fish curry and sweets.
The sumptuous lunch offered by Naidu included KCR’s favourite dishes such as Naatu Kodi (Desi chicken), Peetala Iguru (crabs curry), Palaav, Ulava Charu and Gongura.This was KCR’s second visit to Andhra in less than two months. Keeping aside all differences and bitterness of the movement for separate Telangana state, the TRS chief had participated in the foundation stone ceremony of new Andhra capital Amaravati near here in October.
KCR is holding Chandi Yagam at his farm house at Erravalli in Medak district near here for the well-being of Telangana. He has already invited President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the five-day rituals. About 4,000 priests and 1,500 Rutwiks will be performing the rituals in the mega event.