Vice President Venkaiah Naidu had visited Tirumala on Tuesday and had made some interesting comments on the VIP visits. Venkaiah opined that VIPs should visit Lord Venkateswara Swamy only once a year so that the common man will not wait for hours in queue.
“Every day thousands of people stand in long lines just to have a glimpse of the Divine. It’s true that when we visit temple, our stress levels come down and we would find peace. But considering the common man, VIPs should restrict their regular visits to Tirumala,” stated Venkaiah. He added the society should become a hunger less and corruption free one which eventually result in eradicating inequalities.
Upon the Vice President’s visit, the TTD officials have honoured him due respects. He was welcomed by temple priests. After the darshan, he was blessed by the vedic scholars and presented him the rest of the garment.