Hitting hard at TDP for trying to eke out political mileage from the normal procedure of attachment of assets by ED, YSR Congress has said that Chandrababu Naidu has to get ready for CBI probe as many cases are pending against him.“Chandrababu Naidu has lost the base in people’s court and his corruption has reached alarming proportions with numerous cases pending in the courts while the Enforcement Directorate (ED) attaching assets of Y S Jaganmohan Reddy is part of the ongoing inquiry,” party spokesperson Vasireddy Padma told reporters here on Thursday.
TDP leaders raising a hue and cry on the attachment and spreading canards and unfounded lies that the Party will be closed down is only to gain political mileage.The attachment is part of the inquiry which is going on against the cases filed jointly by the Congress and TDP with political motives.Jagan, who was a businessman, turned politician after the death of his father and after differing with Congress the witch-hunt began with TDP joining hands with Congress and filing cases and the rest of the events were well recorded and known to all.
“Our leader has boldly faced the charges and waged the battle relentlessly unlike Chandrababu Naidu he did not compromise anywhere.”It was the TDP leader who took back his words on many counts after the audio evidence has established his involvement in the cash for vote case.”We believe in the legal system and adore rule of the land and firmly trust that our leader will come out unscathed but Chandrababu Naidu has no such faith and he refused to volunteer for a CBI probe into land pooling for capital region and other cases.”