Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, who is always known for his overt display of love and affection for hosting prestigious national events especially games, surprised everyone by pulling off a turn about. The first CM of the truncated state chose to stay out of race in hosting the national games. AP has shown reluctance to host the prestigious national games as Indian Olympic Association invited bids.
With the states like Telangana, Kolkatta and Goa vying up, AP opts out of race by not even bidding for it has set tongues wagging. Considering that Naidu successfully conducted Asian Games in 2003 in Hyderabad, his latest move comes as a shocker to gaming industry. According to sources, monetary issues are reason behind Naidu backing out of the race. Since the new state is stuck in neck-deep financial woes and the help from Centre seems to be far from sight, Chandrababu is of the opinion that hosting national games would be additional burden to the new state.
Also, he wants to focus on setting up new capital and building world-class infrastructure in the new state. “Babu wants to fasten the capital works and eye investments and all other events related to entertainment and gaming industry comes next. Once the new capital is done and state gets investments naturally events will fall in place,” shared a top source in the know. Meanwhile, the Indian Olympic Association has announced the schedule of National Games for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
While Kerala is hosting 35th National Games in the year 2015, the 36th National Games will be hosted by Goa, Telangana to host 37th National Games and 38th National Games by Kolkatta. The 35th National Games in Kerala will be kick started from January 31, 2015 and lasts upto February 14, 2015. With this, Chandrababu yet again proved that he is political Chanikya. Well done, Naidu.