The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu fired the TDP leaders JC Brothers for not caring Pulivendula branch canal and for diverting the water flow to the other. Chandrababu said that Diwakar Reddy and Prabhakar Reddy have resorted for a damaging act.
As per sources, Chandrababu has directed his party men to arrange a meeting with the JC Brothers soon after he winds up Singapore tour. In the past the JC brothers have gone to Singavaram and breached the Pulivendula branch canal and diverted the flow to Ananthapur.
Knowing this issue, YS Vivenkanada Reddy led the Kadapa farmers to the breached spot where high tension took place between the Kadapa farmers and Singavaram farmers. In this incident, Vivekananda Reddy was arrested and later released. So, JC brothers who jumped into TDP seem to face a bad time now.