According to reports, the first Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu is mulling over to hike taxes in various categories. Naidu, who is short of ideas and funds, seems to be compelled to increase tax charges for land registration, hike in gift deeds, settlement deeds, transition of agricultural land to commercial land, entry tax on goods vehicles, levy of green cess, increasing the capacity of existing distilleries and setting up of new distilleries. In order to increase the revenue for State, Naidu is said to be considering hike of taxes. Although nothing has been confirmed yet.
Naidu reportedly directed government officials to prepare set of proposals in which sectors taxes could be increased without directly hitting common man. Once authorities come up with proposals, they will be tabled in Cabinet meeting and after a proper debate Cabinet may give its nod or turn down it, said a source in the know.
With government mired in neck-deep financial woes and suffered heavy losses with recent Hudhud cyclone, and Central government too not ready to bail out the State as there was no mention of “Special Status” to AP and no talk about “Financial Package” yet, Naidu is said to be compelled to looking at increase of taxes option in order to increase the revenue of state government. A core economist by nature, Naidu is working out to increase government revenue by not directly affecting poor and Aam Aadmi.