Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has given a befitting counter to the leader of Opposition YS Jagan. Reacting to Jagan’s allegations that loan waiver is not implemented and his cited “Case Study”, Babu said, “Case Studies can be done for Corruption. But they’re not needed for government schemes. Real Studies are needed for this.” He said, “The government is going by set of principles and guidelines prescribed by RBI in waiving off the loans.
The loan waiver is applicable to all farmers who availed loans between Jan 2007 to December 2013. We’ve computerised the data of each and every farmer who availed loans between the stated period. There are few who availed loans from five banks and few even took loans from up to seven banks. In order to do justice to all, government has come forward to waive off loans completely to those who took less than or equal to Rs 50,000.
Whereas ‘scale of finance’ has been implemented to those who availed loans more than Rs 50,000.” Babu further added, “Farmers who availed loans more than Rs 1.5 Lakh are just 3 per cent and rest of them are below Rs 1.5 Lakh. Scale of Finance is prescribed by the RBI and we strictly following it.
The loans will be waived only by scale of finance and even the interest rates are included into this. We’re totally committed to waive off all the loans as promised before elections.” Chandrababu lamented Opposition for “misleading” the house and stated that the government has responsibility to give clarity if Opposition is misleading the house.