The success of Bharat Ane Nenu is being celebrated not only by fans but also by Superstar Mahesh Babu and his family members. Mahesh’s last two movies – Brahmotsavam and Spyder -Â were colossal failures. Naturally, the actor was in deep tension about the result of Bharat Ane Nenu.
In a recent interview post Bharat Ane Nenu’s success, Mahesh revealed that more than him, his wife Namrata was anxiously hoping that the film should turn out to be a huge success. “When Bharat Ane Nenu’s US premieres were underway, Namrata was constantly checking for the response. When the first reviews started pouring in, she woke me up suddenly and I saw her eyes welled up with tears,” said Mahesh.
The Superstar continued, saying, “I had thought that the film turned out to be a flop. But Namrata told me emotionally that the film was getting unanimous positive response. It was quite a relieving moment for both of us.” Well, now we can understand the deep emotions behind that adorable kissing picture Mahesh posted on his Instagram account recentl