Director Anil Ravipudi has openly revealed his admiration towards Nandamuri Kalyanram for giving him a chance to become a director when many big heroes have refused him. Though he tried the likes of Raviteja and others, finally it is Kalyanram who has even gone on producing that debut film ‘Pataas’ for the director.
However, after scoring a hit with Pataas, Anil has done films like Supreme, Raja The Great, F2 and now Sarileru Neekevvaru. Though he was expected to join hands with Kalyan Ram, that never happened. In the wake of Kalyanram scoring back to back duds after Pataas, his market has fallen into trouble and now add Entha Manchivadavaru result to it. Due to that crisis, we hear that Kalyanram has now requested to do a film for him in NTR Arts banner.
Whether that film will have Kalyan Ram in the lead or Jr NTR in the lead is yet to be known but then what call Anil Ravipudi will take is the curious thing now. Will Anil honour the code and take up a project to rescue Kalyan Ram?
Earlier, when Kalyanram made a similar request to Surender Reddy, to whom the hero gave a chance through Athanokkade which marked the director’s debut, the director gave him back Kick 2 which resulted in crores of rupees loss.