Nandamuri Kalyan Ram has been staying away from own production lately. He is yet to launch a movie post Jai Lava Kusa.
He is currently doing movies for other production houses and not in plans to launch any movie on NTR Arts in the near future.
Kalyan Ram lost huge money in movies like Kick 2 and Ism and is currently happy to get paid for his work. He is trying to recover losses through signing multiple projects.
His 118 is releasing today and Kalyan Ram already has two movies in the pipeline.
Sriwass of Saakshyam fame will be directing Kalyan Ram’s next film for People Media Factory.
Kalyan is also in talks with a debutant director Vasishta for a family entertainer.
Meanwhile, Kalyan Ram is planning to produce web series. Discussions are on with popular video streaming apps.