Since 2012, there are no Nandi Awards being given to Telugu cinema talents. For 2011, Sri Rama Rajyam walked away with a Swarna Nandi (Gold Nandi) being ‘Best Feature Film’ and later no film got that honours. That’s the combined effect of partition of Andhra Pradesh and newly formed governments showing least interest in Film Industry.
Awards are like energy boosters to actors who have won and others who want to win them. Not just for actors, every technician gets excited by these appreciations and honours. Post the division of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, Nandi Awards are totally stopped.
Sometime back, rumours started doing rounds that AP Government will as usual continue with Nandi Awards, while Telangana Government is all set to give new Lotus Awards.
Finally a representation from both Telugu Film Industry and Telangana Film Chamber have requested Telangana government to revive Nandis. But only if Telangana government honours with these awards, it might sound unethical.
So, what’s the mega plan to continue this Nandi tradition that started in 1964? Some say, both AP and T governments should unite and collectively give these awards. Not a bad idea, but who will first make the move with this proposal is something we have to wait and watch.