Nandyal Jana Sena Party Lok Sabha candidate SPY Reddy is critical. Last week during election campaign, SPY Reddy fell in sick and was later shifted to Hyderabad for better medication. Despite being under doctors observation for the last five days, SPY Reddy did not recover yet.
The sitting Nandyal MP is currently in ICU in Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills. Meanwhile the Jana Sena Party is worried over SPY’s health condition and are tracking his reports every hour. Even party chief Pawan Kalyan is getting updates of SPY’s condition and even he expressed concern.
In 2014 elections, SPY Reddy won from Nandyal on YSRCP ticket. Later he defected to TDP but with the cycle party denying him ticket, Reddy ended up in Jana Sena and also got ticket. Reddy’s younger daughter and eldest son-in-law are contesting for the assembly on behalf of Jana Sena.