Power Star Pawan Kalyan next movie ‘Gabbar Singh 2’ is still in pre production stages and the movie will go on floors only in March. To be directed by Sampath Nandi, the movie story is set in Chambal valley backdrop. Sonakshi Sinha, Kajal Agarwal, Asin Thottumkal and Erica Fernandez names were considered for the mass action entertainer and now another name joins this list.
Vaani Kapoor who is playing Nani business (marriage bureau) partner in ‘Aaha Kalyanam’ is expected to play lead heroine in Gabbar Singh 2. Vaani won best debut actress for her sparkling performance in Bollywood film ‘Shuddh Desi Romance’. The leggy lasso is even considered for few big projects in Hindi. The hot chick grabbed attention of onlookers at ‘Aaha Kalyanam’ Tamil version audio launch with her tempting poses. Vaani Kapoor is sure to reach many heights in future!