Power Star Pawan Kalyan made the first day of 2015 a memorable one for his fans by joining micro-blogging site Twitter. Many film celebrities like Vennela Kishore, Kona Venkat, Harish Shankar, Sundeep Kishen, Varun Tej expressed their delight on this, but young hero Nani is the one who tweeted creatively Nani stressed a famous dialogue from ‘Attarintiki Daredi’ comparing him with the lion.
Nani wrote, “Chudappa sidhappa Pawan Kalyan simham lantodu Dhaniki twitter account vundadhu Eeyanaki vuntundhi Anthey theda Migathadhi antha same 2 same”” This has become another buzz in the industry for the creativity and parody involved. Other side numbers of followers to Pawan Kalyan twitter handle, retweet and favorites of his tweet is increasing like wild fire.
Now Pawan Kalyan official twitter account got 111k followers and it’s the number is growing with rapid speed.Going by the rate of increasing followers he will soon join the million club.