Telugu actor Nani is gearing up for the release of his latest film, “Saripodhaa Sanivaram,” which translates to “Saturday is not enough?” The title itself holds a special significance for Nani, who recently discussed his personal connection to Saturdays and the film’s release date in a recent interview.
Nani shared that Saturdays have always been a cherished day for him. He described them as a welcomed break before the demands of the workweek began. He reminisced fondly about his childhood Saturdays, filled with excitement as they led into Sundays, his school day off. With the upcoming release of “Saripodhaa Sanivaram” on August 29th, 2024, Nani feels an even deeper connection to this particular day.
The interview also delved into Nani’s family life, specifically his son’s unique perspective on Saturdays. In contrast to Nani’s view of Saturdays as a time for relaxation, his son thrives in the school environment and actively participates in various activities. Music stands out as a particular passion for his son, who is currently dedicated to learning the piano. Recognizing his son’s strong interest and commitment, Nani playfully hinted at the possibility of his son composing music for his films someday. He remarked, “A child can learn the piano only if they have a strong interest. Now that he’s playing it, maybe one day he might compose music for my movie.”
This interview provides a glimpse into Nani’s personal life and the inspiration behind the title of his upcoming film, “Saripodhaa Sanivaram.” It also reveals a heartwarming glimpse into his son’s burgeoning musical talent, sparking a touch of playful speculation about a potential future collaboration.