Critically acclaimed director Vikram Kumar is in search of the hero for his next project. The two heroes in his wanted list are Nani and Sharwanand. But it seems he has to wait for long to get the dates of either of the two, who are currently the two most consistent, busy and wanted young heroes in Tollywood.
During the promotions of Awe!, Nani divulged that he would act in Vikram’s direction, but as the actor has given commitments to too many directors, Vikram may not wait until he completes his prior commitments. Nani has to complete Krishnarjuna Yuddham, a multistarrer with Nagarjuna and a film with Avasarala Srinivas before taking up any new film. A project with Awe! director is also in pipeline.
Sharwa on the other hand is currently shooting for Hanu’s “Padi Padi Leche Manasu”. He has Sudheer Varma’s film lined up next. A few other directors are also waiting for his green signal.
Vikram Kumar will have to either wait for couple of more months or go with another hero. Ashwini Dutt is willing to produce his new film, no matter who the hero is.