Young hero Nani proved he is a big fan of Balayya. The star was spotted recently sporting a tattoo of ‘Jai Balayya’ on his right forearm. It is being said that Nani is playing the role of Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna’s fan in his upcoming yet to be titled film. Incidentally, Nani is a huge fan of Balakrishna in his real life too.
Hanu Raghavapudi of ‘Andhala Rakshasi’ fame is directing this film. 14 Reels Entertainment is the production house. The movie’s shoot has almost been wrapped up and the makers are contemplating to release the movie in the month of December.
Nani’s latest offing ‘Bhale Bhale Magadivoy’ turned out to be a blockbuster at the box office. The movie collected a share of Rs.27 crores at the end of its full run world wide. Lavanya Tripathi paired up with Nani in this Maruthi’s directorial venture.