Nani who is so far confined to lover boy and the boy next door characters will be donning a new avatar for his next movie, Jenda Pai Kapiraju. For the first time in his career, he is going to play a dual role, one of which will have negative shades. The actor is reportedly going to sport a bald head for this role. The actor himself revealed this in a special interview to a popular newspaper. He said, “I’m going to shave my head. My character has a few negative shades. Since this is the first time, I’m playing a dual role — a 27-year-old guy and a 45-year-old — it’s been a challenging experience. We have already started shooting. Once I complete my Krishna Vamsi film, I’ll shave my head.””
This is Samuthirakani’s second straight Telugu film after Shambo Shiva Shambo. The movie is a bilingual made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. Nani and Amala Paul are playing the lead roles in the Telugu version, while Jayam Ravi and Amala Paul are reprising the lead roles in the Tamil version. KS Srinivasan is the producer.