Vijayawada MP Kesineni Nani is at it again. He has once again breathed fire on the RTA officials. Reiterating the issue of giving permits to Arunachal Pradesh registered and other state registered buses, Nani pointed out how Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister has responded after a complaint from a MP and acted upon it. Nani said that Arunachal Pradesh has admitted it’s mistake humbly and cancelled the permissions of over 2500 buses.
Nani stated that he has lost patience with the attitude of RTA officials and has quit his business. Stating that he is making the comments in the position of a MP, he maintained that he abides by his comments.
This is not first time Kesineni Nani had declared open war against RTA officials and the corruption within the office. Earlier too he openly made similar comments however it was then projected by a section of media as MP manhandling and abusing officials that was later denied by Nani. This is not all. Nani further stated that AP CM Chandrababu Naidu is misled by a group.
With Nani’s open comments indicate that he is expressing dissent against his own TDP government. It needs to be seen how Chandrababu Naidu would react to the issue.