Comedy King Allari Naresh has been struggling from the past five years for success. It was Sudigaadu which impressed the audience in 2012 after which the actor’s films have been badly rejected by the audience.
The actor pinned all his hopes on Meda Meeda Abbayi which has been slated for September 8th. The pre-release event took place on Sunday and Allari Naresh shared some interesting news about the tips Nani shared with him.
“Nani always forced me to switch the genres of my films. Finally, I am out of regular films and Meda Meeda Abbayi will break the jinx. I will be sure approached with many interesting scripts after the release of Meda Meeda Abbayi. I have been showcased only in one frame till date and I am eagerly waiting to do many interesting films soon”.
Directed by Prajith, Meda Meeda Abbayi is the remake of Malayalam blockbuster Oru Vadakkan Selfie.