Governor ESL Narasimhan’s proposed America visit in March end has put Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao in trouble. KCR is forced to wind up the just started budget session on March 27 against the earlier schedule till March 30.
On the request of Governor, KCR will send the Appropriation Bill to the former on March 27. After giving his nod, Narasimhan along with his family members will leave to America on March 27. He will stay with his son in US for one month.
KCR planned to hold the budget session for at least two weeks and showcase his government’s achievements. Now, the working days has been reduced to 12 days which gave him big disappointment.
On the other hand, the opposition Congress also strongly objected KCR’s decision to reduce the session to avoid inconvenience to Governor. In a bid to convince opposition, KCR said he will hold day and evening sessions all through the days but the opposition did not budge.