Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s wife Jashodaben is back in news. This time around, she has filed an RTI application with Gujarat police (Mehsana district police) seeking clarity on security cover accorded to her at present and wanted to know what she is entitled to.
Expressing her unhappiness over security cover, in her application, Jashodaben asked the government to explain the definition of protocol and sought details about what is included under it and what other benefits she is entitled for as per that protocol.
She apparently pointed out that her guards travel in government vehicles like car, while, despite being a PM’s wife, she has to travel in public transport. ‘Today, she came to our office and filed an RTI to know about her rights as PM’s wife with regard to security cover.
We will give our written reply to her in stipulated time,’ said Mothalia, Mehsana SP. Jashodaben is currently living with her brother Ashok Modi at Unjha town of Mehsana district. After her husband Narendra Modi sworn in as PM, she has been provided security.