It seems Allari Naresh is turning into Kollywood remake King. He recently starred in remake of superhi tamil film ‘Tamizh Padam’ and came as ‘Sudigadu’. After tasting success as Sudigadu,Allari Naresh is going to act in another Tamil remake film. “Nadavula konjem pakkatta kaanam” is the Tamil movie which was a decent hit in Tamilnadu. It is the film that Allari Naresh wants to act in its remake in Telugu. Balaji Dharanidharan directed this film while Vijay Sethupathi played the lead role. This movie was based on the real life incident of its Cinematographer, Prem Kumar.
It is all about a young man who lost his memory on the day before of his marriage, which was told in a hilarious way. As per the Tollywood analysts and critics, Allari Naresh is the only one who could fit the bill perfectly. Few industry sources said Allari Naresh who grabbed a hit with a Tamil remake ‘Sudigadu’ is now interested in the remake of “Nadavula konjem pakkatta kaanam”.
The official announcement of this project is not happened yet. Naresh is busy in the filming of “Kevvu keka”. His latest film “Yamuduki mogudu” is all set for its release.