Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s upcoming movie, Nayak is making loud bangs every where. While the movie is smashing all the pre-release records in AP, things were not any different in Bollywood. The satellite rights for the Hindi dubbed version of Naayak had reportedly fetched a whopping Rs 3.5 crore which is the highest so far for any Telugu movie. The movie is all set to hit the screens in record number of theaters from January 9th. Currently, the last minute post production activity is going on.
On the flip side, this will be a major boost for Ram Charan who is going to make his entry in to Bollywood early next year. with the remake of Amitab Bachchan’s Zanjeer
Kajal Agarwal and Amala Paul play female leads in Nayak. Charmme did an item song. VV Vinayak directed Naayak and DVV Danayya is producing this film on Universal Media banner. Thaman has composed music for the movie.