Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s Nayak had created one more record just hours before the release of the movie. Satellite rights of the movie were picked for a whopping 7.5C. Leading entertainment channel, Gemini bagged the movie rights and had already paid an advance 2.61C which was directly paid to Rainbow colour lab which undertook the printing. The movie is all set for a grand release today. Almost all the areas have charted the biggest release ever for any movie. And a record first day collections are expected.
Kajal Agarwal and Amala Paul play female leads. Charmme did an item song. VV Vinayak directed Naayak and DVV Danayya is producing this film on Universal Media banner. Young Music Sensation Thaman is composing the music for the movie in which Chiranjeevi’s Super hit song Subhalekha rasukunna is being remixed.