On the eve of Nayakudu (Nayakan in Tamil) completing 25 years, few Tamil media channels have reported that Mani Ratnam and Kamal Haasan were set to come back together on-screen. But the fact is that there is no possibility of any such project as of now. When contacted, Suhasini, wife of Mani Ratnam had rubbished those rumours and said that “there are no plans” to make a movie with Kamal Haasan.
Mani Ratnam and Kamal worked together in Nayagan which was a critcially accliamed and a commercial success. The movie was made in 1987 and till today continues to be considered a classic. It was made in Telugu and Hindi as well. In 2005, the Time Magazine included Nayagan in its list of All-Time 100 Best Films.