Following few reports that actress Nayantara wasn’t cooperating to producer of her upcoming Telugu film Babu Bangaram, Nayan has broken her silence and refuted the rumours. Clarifying on them, Nayan said that she has allotted her dates to the film as per the agreement and she shouldn’t be blamed if movie isn’t completed as per the schedule and is delayed.
Reportedly Nayan said that she has given her dates as per the schedule but she added that makers failed to finish the film on time as per the plan. When the makers had approached Nayan again for more dates, after getting convinced, she had given dates for 10 more dates. Apparently, the film wasn’t finished even after this and hence Nayan is said to be miffed. She opined that she shouldn’t be blamed for the delay.
Nayan was quoted as saying that she has been professional and comes to the shoots on time and leaves as per her time. Nayan added that she follows as per the agreement. She has expressed her dissent on false propaganda that she isn’t cooperating to producer.
Starring Venkatesh in the lead, the film is being directed by Maruthi and produced by Naga Vamshi, son of producer S Radha Krishna aka Chinna Babu. Nayan is pairing up with Venky for the third time and if all goes as per the plan, Babu Bangaram would hit the screens by July 29. Given that Kabali too in race (July 22), it needs to be seen when BB makes it to theatres.