Nayani slipped his tongue again!


TRS leaders were condemned yesterday Attorney General’s statement on Section 8 of the Telangana bill. They argued that AG should not suggest to the Governor on Section 8 in the debates of all TV News Channels.

Telangana CM KCR met Governor Narasimhan and discussed on implementation of Section 8 in Hyderabad. TRS leaders came to know the real heat of Section 8 after KCR came out from Rajbhavan.

From then they started attack on TDP and AP Ministers on execution of  Section 8 of the bill. Sudden attack on AP Ministers and CBN seems to understand their helplessness in stopping Section 8. TRS leaders challenged TDP that there is no reason for implementing Section 8 in Hyderabad.

They argued that not even single complaint filed against Telangana Government on failure of law and order in the city. Home Minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy who brought troubles to KCR government on phone tapping has failed to control his mouth again.

Nayani said that “we will put fire if Union Government decided to assign more powers to the Governor in the name of Section 8”. AP Ministers and others show the statement of Nayani to implement Section 8 in Hyderabad.

Telangana Home Minister whose loose talk on CBN and his audio tapes gives trouble to Telangana police and government. AP Police shows Nayani’s words as example for Phone tapping case. Uncontrolled Nayani again did the same mistake and helps to AP Government on Section 8.