Till now, ‘Anamika’ of Nayanathara is known as the official remake of Vidya Balan’s ‘Kahani’ which was a run away hit in Bollywood. As there is no way, one can adopt the same backdrop of Kolkata to suit the Telugu nativity, director Sekhar Kammula made enough changes to script accommodating Hyderabad Old City touch for both Telugu and Tamil versions. More differences with original version are that while Vidya Balan was pregnant in Hindi, now our Nayanathara is not.
More addition to the news is along with Vaibhav Reddy in a crucial cop role, young hero harshavardhan rane (‘Thakita Thakita’ and ‘Avunu’ fame) will appear in a brief role of Nayan’s husband. In fact, entire script revolves around the search by Nayan for her missing husband. Harsha feels himself lucky for getting the chance of acting with star actress Nayan and in the direction of Sekhar.