Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film will have its launch on 29th of this month, after so much of delay. However there is no clarity so far about the heroine of this project. Earlier they said Nayantara will be romancing the actor. Later they said she turned down the offer.
But a Tamil media carried a report as said by Nayantara spiced up things. The actress said she was not at all approached for the project until now and can only consider it when some one approached her. She also requested the media to keep rumours in rest until then.
So that brings the question about who will be the heroine now.Ram Charan and his mother Surekha will be producing the film under their new banner, Konidela Productions. Lyca Productions which is currently producing Rajinikanth and Shankar’s 2.0 is rumoured to be the co-producer for this film.
Ram Charan recently in an interview said ‘No Comments’ when asked if he will act in the film. Vinayak previously directed Chiranjeevi in a blockbuster Tagore which is also a remake.