Voluptuous lady Nayanthara is presently working with her former boyfriend Simbu in a new Tamil film directed by Pandiraj. Both seem to have put things behind and working professionally, but looks like people around them are making Simbu uncomfortable while he addresses his dialogues to Nayan at the shoot. The entire crew of the film seems to be looking keenly while he delivers his dialogues to Nayanthara, which has made the actor a little uncomfortable and seems to be feeling awkward.
The two had earlier paired up for ‘Vallabha’ which was written and directed by Simbu himself. The untitled romantic entertainer is produced by Simbu and has music scored by his brother Kuralarasan. Nayanthara character name in the movie is Mylaa. Nayanthara ties the nuptial knot with STR in the movie. The duo are uniting in this movie after a long gap of 8 years. It should be noted that in the movie Raja Rani Nayanthara was married to Arya in a church wedding and now its a traditional Hindu temple wedding for Nayanthara and STR. Let’s wait till release, how Nayan, Simbu chemistry worked out in the film!