Talented dusky beauty Priyamani has done many interesting films down South in her career. At the right time, when she was struggling for offers, Priyamani revealed about her love and got married. She fell in love with Mustafa Raj and she got married recently in the presence of her close family members. Priyamani for the first time after her marriage during her interview revealed many interesting facts about her married life.
‘We are really not habitual to married life as right from the third day after I got married, I had to attend my shoots. I am happy that I got such an understanding husband. We have been transparent right from the first day we started dating each other. We turned good friends initially after which I fell in love with him. Few days before my marriage, one of my close relative passed away and so we kept our marriage a low affair. I was asked by many, ‘Why did a marry a Muslim’? I don’t need to take anyone’s permission to marry a Muslim’ revealed Priyamani.