Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna’s upcoming most awaited and much hyped film “Lion” is getting ready for grand release on May 8th. The expectations on film are very high because after acquiring huge success with “Legend” Balayya has given chance to debutante director Satyadev to encourage new talents. Sizzling beauty Trisha is first time romancing with Balayya on screen and lucky lady Radhika Apte is also cast in another female lead.
It is known that filmmakers tried to elevate the story of the film as Dual role based one, where in trailers also it was clearly showed Balakrishna as “Godsey” & “Boss”. Most of the fans felt that one more dual role based film is added in Balakrishna’s film journey but rumours are spreading wide that there is no dual role of Balakrishna in this film where due to some accident Balakrishna turns as memory loss patient.
Single character of Balakrishna has been elevated as two, one is before accident and other is after accident in which Balakrishna lost his memory and live with different name. Sources also added that Jayasudha and Chandra Mohan will be seen in roles of Balakrishna’s parents and story initial starts in Mumbai.
If the grapevine is to be believed until now many these kind of stories are present in Tollywood and now we need to wait and see how debutante director presented in new look.