King Nagarjuna’s socio fantasy flick ‘Damarukam’ has been in news for long. When the film was announced many expressed their surprise at Nag giving green signal to work under debutant P.Srinivas Reddy direction. When there was lot of delay in the completion of the project, movie lovers thought that experienced director could have worked wonders in this extravagant film. Nag himself spilled beans that the film’s shooting was completed long back but extensive graphics and VFX delayed the release of the film.
Film makers with much fan fare announced the release of their film through Nagarjuna earlier. However the release date got postponed not once but twice in a day’s time due to non availability of theaters. This showed lack of planning on part of experienced production house RR.Movie makers.Constant delays in the release of the film is generating lot of negative talk which is undoing all the positive buzz that emerged after the film completed censor.
These developments are irritating Nagarjuna and his expressing his angst over the haphazard planning from the film makers. He is furious that they roped in and made him announce the release of the film which turned out to be wrong. It has to be seen how it effects the performance of the film.