Star Tamil director Nelson Dilipkumar showcased his unique style with movies like ‘Kolammavu Kokila’ and ‘Doctor’. Despite ‘Beast’ being a disappointment, he bounced back with ‘Jailer’. He presented Rajnikanth in the classiest manner possible while giving him ample mass moments for his fans to cheer. The movie minted over 600 crores and he became one of the most wanted directors in the South.
Reports claim that he might direct Thalapathy Vijay’s last film before entering politics. While ‘GOAT’ is Vijay’s 68th film, there is a lot of talk going around the star’s 69th project. At an award ceremony, Nelson gave an interesting statement which is generating a lot of buzz. He said that he wanted to cast Mahesh Babu and Mammooty with Vijay if he was directing Thalapathy69. He even said that he wants Shah Rukh Khan in the film too. Talking about the heroine, he claimed that Nayanthara is the first choice to be the female lead in this prestigious project.
For ‘Jailer’, Nelson managed to bring Kannada superstar Shiva Rajkumar and Malayalam superstar Mohanlal to play special characters alongside Rajnikanth. If he manages to bring the above-mentioned stars into a Thalapathy Vijay film, it will create madness in theatres. Let us see if he gets the chance to direct Vijay’s film in the coming days or not.