Energetic Hero Ram who was bogged by back to back failures in the recent times, finally staged a comeback. His latest release, Nenu Sailaja finally helped Ram to stage a comeback. Nenu Sailaja had amassed a whopping 4.34 Crore share on its day one.
This is the highest ever in Ram’s career. Even after considering New Year holiday, it is a very good figure. Given the positive talk and reviews, it is carrying, the movie is expected to continue its good run. Here is the breakup of Nenu Sailaja First day collections:
Nizam: 1.28 Crore
Ceeded: 63 Lakhs
Uttarandhra: 30 Lakhs
East: 27 Lakhs
West: 18 Lakhs
Krishna: 29 Lakhs
Guntur: 32 Lakhs
Nellore: 11 Lakhs
AP+Nizam: 3.38 Crore
Karnataka: 41 Lakhs
USA: 50 Lakhs
Rest: 5 Lakhs
Total WW: 4.34 Crore