Superstar Mahesh Babu working in a Mani Ratnam has been a dream for not just any regular cine-goer but also Mahesh himself. He said it a lot of times during his previous interviews. They both planned to team up several times but it did not materialize. Recently, Vikram revealed in an interview that Mani Ratnam planned ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ with himself, Vijay and Mahesh Babu as the lead a few years back.
The project was announced and the schedule too began. But it came to a halt due to financial reasons. Mahesh was supposed to play the role of Arunmozhi Varman which is the title role of ‘Ponniyin Selvan’. Vijay was supposed to play the role Karthi did. But both heroes moved on with other projects when the film faced financial issues. After a couple of years, Mani Ratnam began this film once again with Vikram, Karthi and Jayam Ravi as the male leads.
Many people who read the novel said that Mahesh missed the role of a lifetime where he could have played an iconic character and also lost the opportunity to work with his favorite director. The first part of ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ came out this Friday and netizens including Mahesh’s fans are claiming that superstar had a very lucky escape.
While the box-office result can be ignored, Mahesh would have received a lot of criticism as he wouldn’t have been the right fit and his stardom might affect the film too as people might get easily disappointed. Also, the prospect of seeing Vijay and Mahesh on the screen together might sound wonderful but their union in a film like ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ would have been of no use. Also, Mani Ratnam failed to make the film in a convincing manner which was the biggest complaint. So, netizens are stating that Mahesh might have dodged a bullet.