On Thursday, trolls once again surfaced against Karan Johar for attending a birthday bash thrown by Neetu Kapoor. He confronted a new backlash after KJO shared previews of it on Instagram, a day after the celebration and later it was deleted. But the same pics were posted by Neetu Kapoor in which Karan is seen enjoying merrily along with Ranbir and others. Neetu who turned 62 captioned “The richest are the ones with good relationships!! We all need love, support, strength from our loved ones”.
The filmmaker, who has been awfully criticised after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, was said to be dejected due to continuous furore by citizens over being a flag bearer of nepotism. Angry fans of the late actor abused him that he just pretended and now is back partying with his nepotistic family rather not attended SSR’s funeral.
One of Karan’s friend shared that he is absolutely broken about the people who think his nepotistic attitude lead Sushanth to the edge of committing suicide. Not only Karan Johar, but a number of other star kids like Alia Bhatt, Ananya and Varun Dhawan have been facing the strong hatred amid the nepotism row. Many memes and trolls have been made by the netizens to show their fury.