The much-anticipated movie “Guntur Kaaram,” starring Mahesh Babu, is undergoing significant shifts within its production team, resulting in both actors and crew members departing the project. Notably, cinematographer PS Vinod, who had been contributing to the film for several months, has stepped down from his role.
To fill the void created by Vinod’s departure, the accomplished Manoj Paramahamsa has been appointed as the new cinematographer for “Guntur Kaaram.” Manoj is celebrated for his exceptional prowess in visual storytelling, a talent showcased in renowned films like “Ye Maaya Chesave,” “Race Gurram,” Radhe Shyam, and “Beast.”
His recent work on Vijay’s “Leo” earned widespread acclaim for its captivating visual aesthetics. Already immersed in his new role, Manoj Paramahamsa has commenced his cinematographic duties for “Guntur Kaaram.” The filming has recommenced in Hyderabad, with an increased sense of urgency.
Director Trivikram finds himself under mounting pressure to ensure that shooting wraps up entirely by December. This is essential because “Guntur Kaaram” is slated to grace the silver screen on January 13, 2024.
Adding to the anticipation, the film stars Sreeleela and Meenakshii Chaudhary as the leading ladies. Their inclusion promises an intriguing dynamic that could enhance the overall cinematic experience. As the clock ticks, fans eagerly await the culmination of this cinematic endeavor, hoping that the fusion of Mahesh Babu’s star power, Trivikram’s directorial finesse, and Manoj Paramahamsa’s artistic vision will deliver a memorable masterpiece on the scheduled release date.