Telugu OTT platform is coming with fresh and unique content to please the audience frequently. Apart from super hit talk shows and hit movies, they are arriving with an intriguing web series titled ‘Newsense’. Starring talented actors Navdeep and Bindu Madhavi in the main roles, this series is going to deal with crime, politics and media.
The trailer gives us a clear picture of how the series is going to be. It is going to be a thrilling drama with a compelling narration. There are going to be complex characters that are grey and there are roles that are completely negative. Navdeep plays the role of journalist who tries to find the truth but a lot of other characters come into play in order to influence him. Bindhu Madhavi looks glamorous in the promos and she will be having a crucial part in the story too. The movie sheds light on sensationalism and explores the media industry along with the influence of politics on it.
There are a lot of fresh faces and it is going to be interesting to see how this series turns out on May 12th. ‘People Media Factory’ and ‘Aha’ have jointly produced this series which was created as well as directed by Sri Prawin Kumar. Vivek Kuchibotla is the Co-Producer while Suresh Bobbili is the music director. Priyadarshini Ram has penned the story while Jaisimha Neelam wrote the dialogues. Kiran Mamidi is the art director while Anantnag Kavuri, Vedaraman and Prasanna are the directors of photography. Srinivas Bainaboyina is the editor.