The Supreme Court of India on Wednesday has rejected Nirbhaya case convict Mukesh Kumar Singh’s challenge against the President’s rejection of his mercy petition. A three-judge Bench led by Justices R. Banumathi, Ashok Bhushan and A.S. Bopanna said there is no merit in the contention.
President Ram Nath Kovind had rejected the mercy petition of Mukesh on January 17th and based on this, Mukesh knocked the Supreme Court. However, the court said the quick decision of President to reject the plea doesn’t mean the President did not take a hasty decision. All the documents related to Mukesh’s health and imprisonment were placed before him.
Mukesh also claimed that he was sexually assaulted in jail by inmates and reacting on this, the court said, “Alleged sufferings in prison can’t be grounds for mercy.”
The four convicts of Nirbhaya rape and murder, Mukesh Singh, Pawan Gupta, Vinay Kumar Sharma and Akshay Kumar are scheduled be to hanged on Saturday at 6 AM. But advocates of the convicts are continuously approaching the Supreme Court and filing curative petition which is the last legal recourse available to a person in a court of law.
The Centre has recently stated that strict guidelines should be drawn to disable death convicts from approaching the court and president for mercy. It stated that the convicts are misusing the loopholes in Law and delaying their penalty. The Supreme Court acknowledged this and added that is important that death penalty reached finality.
Nibhaya’s mother is still in doubts whether the hanging would be carried out on the above mentioned date.