Nithin, Samantha and Trivikram Srinivas’ A..Aa has collected about 44.38 Crore Share in its full run at the box office in the two weeks run so far. The movie is inching towards the Prestigious 50 Crore Share club which is a very big achievement given there is no big stars presence in the film.
The buyers of all areas are in profits zone by the end of first week itself. Buyers in few areas like Nizam have already got 100% profits for their investment. A..Aa is the biggest hit of the Summer in terms of return on investment. Given that there are no notable releases till next month, 50 Crore Share may not be difficult.
According to the trade experts, the movie should find a place in the 50 crore club by some time in its third week. Nani’s Gentleman which released on Friday is doing well at the box office, but is not posing threat for A..Aa whatsoever as family audience are lapping up the film big time, thanks to Trivikram’s Brand Value.