From the last couple of days, Nithin’s 25th movie “Chal Mohan Ranga” is trending on the web with Pawan Kalyan’s film production company tweeting about it. And there are stories everywhere that Trivikram handpicked this director for Nitin, Pawan Kalyan handpicked a story and budget for Nitin and so on. What’s the truth in them?
Buzz has that Nitin’s film is entirely conceptualized, written and directed by lyric writer Krishna Chaitanya. Going by this promotional line, the film won’t fetch good hype because the director’s debut film Rowdy Fellow with Nara Rohit was a disaster. And then, Nitin is also not on a hit scoring spree with his previous flick LIE being a disaster of epic proportions, though his A..Aa is a good hit. At this moment, this film needs to huge hype to get amazing openings.
Naturally, Nitin would have used either Pawan Kalyan’s song or would have invited him to audio launch, but this time he made him a producer of the movie. And then he made Trivikram the presenter of the film, says a source. With Trivikram also a patronizer of Krishna Chaitanya’s lyrics, he naturally agreed with the idea. But the reality is that neither Pawan nor Trivikram got nothing to do with the movie, except being brands that could bring hype.
What should be really worrying is that, if big names like Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram are used, people will naturally develop high expectations on the content. Any slight mismatch will lead to disastrous result. Though some reports are claiming that it is a science-fiction film, insiders revealed that the film is a simple love story with some good moments.