The charming actress Nithya Menen, who has starred opposite the leading men in Tollywood, is now portraying a unique and different character in her upcoming Telugu flick.In the movie, Nithya portrays the role of a lesbian and she will be seen alongside another popular young actress of Telugu cinema.
Meanwhile, it is reported that the two actresses would do a lip lock in one of the scenes.It would be the first time in South Indian cinema that two leading ladies in a film do a lip lock scene together.However, it is reported that the censor board would wield their ‘scissors’ on this movie.
Film observers say that since homosexuality is banned in India by the law, the censor board may direct the movie’s makers to drop the lip lock scene.In an interview recently Nithya had stated that she was thrilled to play a lesbian character on screen. The actress had also hinted that the censor board may ban this movie.