Young actor Sundeep Kishan is busy with his upcoming Telugu film Okka Ammayi Thappa. Though shooting started sometime back, the female lead is not yet finalised, with sources saying the makers want to rope in Nithya Menon for the Rajasimha-directed project.
“The director narrated the story to Nithya and she liked it. But still it is at the discussion stage and not yet finalised,” says a source. On the other hand, the shooting started with most of the scenes shot with Sundeep Kishan and Ravi Kishan.
The film is a romantic entertainer and Sundeep’s uncle Chota K. Naidu is the cinematographer. Meanwhile, Sundeep’s Tamil comedy with Regina Cassandra is ready to hit the screens soon. He also signed another film with CV Kumar, and earlier produced the film Pizza.